Installation woes into XE


Installing into Delphi XE, with IntraWeb 12.2.8 (registered)
I thought everything went smoothly until I tried to compile my application, I am getting a Fatal error
[DCC Fatal Error] IWTMSBase.pas(38): F2051 Unit IWServerInternalFiles was compiled with a different version of IWException.EIWException.
Can you please advise as to next course of action as I need to get the XE version up and running as soon as possible.
Best Wishes
Philip L Jackson


Can you please make sure you're library paths have been configured correctly and that there are no files left from previous IntraWeb versions on your system?


I have copied the folder IWTmsReg into the \embarcadero\rad studio\8.0 folder and my library path points to this folder. 
Can you be more explicit about which 'old' IW files you are refering to as being on this machine? I have multiple version of Delphi on this machine with multiple versions of Intra Web i.e.
D2007 - IW11
D XE  - IW12 (registered copy version 12.2.8)
D XE2 - IW13
D XE3 - IW14
I have looked in the SysWOW64 folder and I have no IW*.* files in that folder
Can you offer any other advice?
Thanks in advance

Did you follow the IntraWeb bundled removal instructions to ensure there is a clean install of only 12.2.8? 
On a clean setup and with the correct TMSDEFS.INC file , there shouldn't be any issue to compile for 12.2.8