Install Problem

Delphi XE2 - Enterprise
Intraweb 12.1.27
Latest TMS Intraweb Component Studio - Component Pack Pro Script Edition
Both products purchased last week but having problem with installation of Component Pack Pro (SE). After renaming tmsdefs121 to as per install instructions I installed:
  - IW12TMSDXE2.dproj (Delphi XE2)
  - IW12TMSDEDXE2.dproj (Delphi XE2)
From the install instructions the next step seems to be to install the debug add-on OCX - from the DOS command line run : REGSVR32 DebugOutXControl1.ocx. Did this but it failed.  So I thought to go to next step which seems to be to install the following package files:
  - IW12TMSGRIDDXE2.dproj (Delphi XE2)
  - IW12TMSGRIDDEDXE2.dproj (Delphi XE2)
   - IW12TMSXLSDXE2.dproj (Delphi XE2)
First one (DDXE2) installed Ok but DEDXE2 failed with the following error
[DCC Error] E1026 'File not found IW12TMSGRIDDEDXE2_XE2.otares'
Can you please tell me what I'm doing wrong?
Thanks in advance.
Bill Zwirs


Can you please try removing any references to .otares as these are unnecessary?

Ok, thanks......but where and how do I do this?

Bill Zwirs

There shouldn't be any references to ".otares" files in the "IW12TMS*DXE2" packages, but depending on your Delphi XE2 version it might happen that delphi upgrades the package and auto inserts this reference.

(The "_XE2" suffix usually indicates an upgraged package)

- Can you try double-clicking the error? This should open the file where the reference is found.
- Can you try right-clicking the IW12TMSGRIDDEDXE2.dproj file in the Project Manager and select "View Source" from the popup menu?

Thanks. I will have some time to look at this again on the weekend and will let you know how I went.

The install did update the package as stated by you. I have update 4 installed for Delphi XE2. Would like yo know why delphi wants to update some packages and not others associated with this install.
Bill Zwirs

I have removed and completely reinstalled the components using your advice and all installed properly.

Bill Zwirs