HighDPI problems in designer

The designer in Scripter displays non-visible component icons very small. I am running on a 4K monitor, with windows zoom 200%.

In the image, you can see Delphi IDE (running in DPI unaware mode) non-visual components on the left, Scripter IDE demo exe on the right. Scripter's icons are so small its hard to make out which is which. :slight_smile:

Scripter project has Per Monitor v2 set in its manifest. Anything else I can do to make it look better for my customers?


(Edit, adding below)

Still running on the 4K monitor w/200% zoom.

When dropping a visual component on the form with the mouse, the component is not dropped where the mouse is, but appears twice as far from the top and left edge as the mouse click. This appears to correspond to the windows 200% zoom factor. Interestingly, non-visual components do appear exactly where the mouse was clicked.