FNCWXQrCode and the maximun length of text


In the same way as my previous post, what is the maximum length of the text property ?

I read a QrCode can accept 4296 alphanumeric characters. However, when the text reach 2285, the QrCode disappeared.
It seems linked to : TMSFNCWXQRCode and the caracter double quote (") where the result of the result of

"Len - GetTextBuf(PChar(Result), Len + 1);"

become zero too



The maximum length is determined by the underlying library, but unfortunately the limits are not documented. The error messages when passing a text longer than allowed indicate the following:

  • CorrectLevel.H limit length is 1273
  • CorrectLevel.Q limit length is 1663
  • CorrectLevel.M limit length is 2331
  • CorrectLevel.L limit length is 2953

This seem to correspond with the binary limit of version 40: Information capacity and versions of QR Code | QRcode.com | DENSO WAVE

Interestingly just by passing some lorem ipsum generated text to the component, we were able to enocode strings little bit more than the limit, so this limit might also depend on what kind of text is being passed to it.

Thanks a lot for your answer

We are waiting to a qrcode v50 :grin:

Anyway, for a lot text, I used 2 QrCode


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