FNCGrid Checkboxes not showing

I'm using multiple FNCGrids with Checkbox columns in my app.

I've got one form with a TTabControl.
On the first TabItem the FNCGrids work fine. All checkboxes are shown in the columns.
On the other TabItems no checkboxes are shown.

When I copy a Grid from the first TabItem to another TabItem, the result is te same.. No checkboxes on copied FNCGrid.

Delphi and FNC components are all up-to-date.
Has anyone experienced this before?


I have tested this here but I'm not able to reproduce this issue here. Both grids show the checkbox column. Can you provide a sample?

Hi Pieter,


Attached you can find an example.

All the grids are copy + pasted from my original project.

If you have more questions, don’t hesitate to ask.

PS. If you want, we can talk dutch. I live in Belgium.

Met vriendelijke groet,

Stefan Gorissen
Camping Kikmolen
tel: +32 89 77 09 00
site: www.campingkikmolen.be
email: info@kikmolen.be
adres: Kikmolenstraat 3 3630 Maasmechelen
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FNC Checkbox Grid.zip (29 KB)


Can you try with

TMSFNCGrid1.AddCheckBoxColumn(Index) instead?


Still no dice.

If you change the active TabItem on startup to another one, then that one shows the checkboxes, but the other grids will not show them.

Met vriendelijke groet,

Stefan Gorissen
Camping Kikmolen
tel: +32 89 77 09 00
site: www.campingkikmolen.be
email: info@kikmolen.be
adres: Kikmolenstraat 3 3630 Maasmechelen
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FNC Checkbox Grid.zip (29.1 KB)

We noticed the behaviour is introduced when using a slide animation in TTabControl. When using no animation then everything is working as expected. It's unclear if we will be able to fix this issue. TTabControl is doing some strange things when sliding a page.

I disabled the slide animation and now the grids are displayed correctly.

The slide animation is nice eye candy. It would be great if you could solve this problem with the slide animation.

As for now, everything works as it should.