FNCGrid strange behavior (Android) part 2

Hi Pieter,
i did the test with your suggestion (setting roecount into oncreate event) without any improvement.

Can you check what i can do in order to fix this problem?

Thank's for all


To what value did you set the RowCount? You used InsertRows to add more rows, can you try using RowCount := RowCount + 1 instead?

Hi Pieter,
whatever is the way i set the rowcount, the result does not change !!
I still have a behavior as you can see the last video.

I also tried:
Set the RowNumber with exact record number into the form constructor, i tried to inder a new row via
insertrow(), rownumber:=rownumber + 1, inc(rownumber) and other tryes ....but without any result.

So i made the exstreme very last try .....
I replaced the FNCGrid with FMXGrid.
With a few source changes limited to some properties, all works as expected. No more strange behaviors.
And i resolve the scrollbars dimensions, maybe for FMX the size logic is different.
Now, in the project, i have all FNC components and, only, one FMX.

Please, can you check why FNC has that behaviour (under android ... i have not ios).

Some request ...
Due the fact (under windows) i use,very massive, ADVStringGrid ... is very appreciate if you can insert some warp as lastrow, lastcol ecc... in both FNC/FMX grid component.

Thank's for your attention



Thank you for your feedback.
We'll investigate what the differences are between TTMSFNCGrid & TTMSFMXGrid and see what we can do to improve the experience.