FNC.WXPack install in "Delphi Tokyo" and "FMXTMSFNCWXPackPkg.dpk"

For Delphi Tokyo and "tms.fnc.wxpack" in the file
FMXTMSFNCWXPackPkg.dpk are probably errors.
I think the initial lines in the contains section should be deleted up to the line:
"FMX.TMSFNCCommonJSFiles in '....\FMX.TMSFNCCommonJSFiles.pas'," (this last should be kept)
Only then it is possible to compile.
Please fix it so I can run Smart Setup.
Thank you in advance


Thank you for reporting, it will be fixed in the next version.

It seems that this promise has not been fulfilled so far:
Thank you for reporting, it will be fixed in the next version."


We haven't released the new version yet, we are aiming for this week.

Since the version "tms.fnc.wxpack (" dated 22.02.2024 it is no longer a problem.
Well thank you.

Thank you for confirming!