Flickr Logout problem

I'm using the latest AdvFlickr Control with Delphi XE5. I've tried with both in debug and release (win32), even with a signed exe. It happens both on my win7 dev machine with IE8, and a windows 8 machine with IE11.

I saw the problem yesterday once or twice while working with the provided demo, but then it went away. Now I'm re-writing a new demo, and the problem as surfaced with only the connect and disconnect implemented.

When I click the disconnect button, a dialog is shown minimized to the desktop. Clicking it brings up the attached screenshot and script error.

P.S. This does NOT occur if you close the demo with the titlebar close button.It also seems to happen with the provided demo. I was using the close button yesterday, which explains why I stopped seeing the problem.


The dialog you are seeing is used to perform a Flickr logout.
It seems that the page that is displayed after logging out has been updated by Flicrk and is now causing a JavaScript error in the TWebBrowser control.

We'll have to investigate how this issue can be fixed.

If you do not require the authenticated user to be logged out from the Flickr account you can comment the Logout call from Disconnect button.

procedure TForm1.ButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
  Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass;
  AdvCloudImage1.URL := '';
  connected := False;
  Screen.Cursor := crDefault;

It's most likely Flickr having an issue with running in IE7 level browser (which is the default for TWebBrowser)

Here is some info how you can force it to a newer version (that presumably shouldn't have this issue)