FlexCelVcl 3.89

Hi to all,

j've tried to instal on delphi 10 seattle (for retro compatibility) the FelexCelVcl 3.89.

Each time j try to install, j have a compiler error because does not found RTL.

Something like

Delphi 10 start up

unable to find ..../...../FlexCelSeattle.Bpl

When j open flexcelseattle pachage and try to compile j get a compiler error on


J try to uninstall flexcelvclnt, both XE2 & 10 start well, try to install as first flexcel 3.89 but j have compiler error; So j install before the flexcell (via tms subscription manager) and j get


"C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\TMS\FlexCelVCLNT\Packages\dSeattle\FlexCel_Core.dproj" (Make target) (1) ->

(_PasCoreCompile target) ->

FlexCel_Core.dpk(32): error E2202: Required package 'rtl' not found

    0 Warning(s)

    1 Error(s)

Coul be a path problem ??

Thank's for your appreciate help




There is no FlexCel 3.89, the latest version is 3.17.  Maybe you are referring to 3.8.9?

If that is the case, then 3.8.9 won't support Delphi seattle as it is from before Seattle existed. Can you try downloading 3.17 from our registered users page?  (it is below the FlexCel 6 download, but not available through subscription manager. You need to go to "My account" in our web page)

By the way, about the rtl not found error, this normally means a problem with your library path.

 Make sure $(BDSLIB)\$(Platform)\release is the first entry
You should have:

Note that while some of  those paths are grayed out, they are vital for rad studio to work. Even worse, if you by any chance  press the "Delete Invalid Paths" button in that dialog, Delphi will happily remove those paths and rad studio will stop working. So you need to be sure to never press that button.

If you repeat the install and you get an error in say win64, check the win64 paths in the above dialog too.

Hi Adrian,

   thank's for your very fast reply !!

> Note that while some of  those paths are grayed out, they are vital for rad studio to work. Even worse,
> if you by any chance  press the "Delete Invalid Paths" button in that dialog, Delphi will happily remove
> those paths and rad studio will stop working.

OK, this is the problem ....

> So you need to be sure to never press that button.
Too late :-))))
But i can restore the old value !!!!

Thank's again Adrian.


Hi Adrian,

> it is below the FlexCel 6 download, but not available through subscription manager. You need to go to
> "My account" in our web page

I did it, and j can not check because this problem is on another pc.
Anyway, now (on this pc) i tried to download the last version but the download is not avaiable.
Here the error

There was an error downloading the requested file.

I can wait till today (or monday) to do this.
One question: in case to leave FlexCelVcl 3.17 and stay with FlexCelVclNt which is the best component to be use to replace the flexcel grid ? 

Thak's again for your help


Yes, I can't believe how this isn't fixed yet in Seattle. This bug has been there since the first Delphi version that supported $(variables) and never fixed.

Not sure about this one, but probably some temporary glitch. To be sure I tried downloading it here and it downloaded fine. Contact info@tmssoftware if you still have problems or need to reset the download counter.

One question: in case to leave FlexCelVcl 3.17 and stay with FlexCelVclNt which is the best component to be use to replace the flexcel grid ?

I think in this moment it should be TAdvStringGrid with the Grid Filters ( TMS VCL Grid Excel Bridge Import/Export Bridge for TMS Grids to Excel .XLS and .XLSX files ), but it is much more a "grid" than and Excel viewer as FlexCelGrid is.

In the future, we do have planned a TFlexCelSpreadsheet component for FlexCel 6 which should be more like TFlexCelGrid. But this is for the FlexCel 7 release, and it is not even sure we will do it. (even if I would love to). If you are not in a hurry, you might keep using FlexCelGrid with TXlsxAdapter, and move to TFlexCelSpreadsheet when (and if) we release it. But please don't take this as a promise, I am not sure we will be able to release it.

Hi Adrian,

Could be in Delphi 20 New York !!! :-))

No problem, yi still use both version and component.

Have a nice week end
