Flexcel installation (last version)

Good morning to all,

after installing flexcell last version (via tms subscription manager) i rebuild my project and i got this error

[dcc32 Error] E1026 File not found: 'XlsAdapterResources.res'

In XlsAdapter directory i have 'XlsAdapterResources.rc' file.

To be honest, due to installer problem, i tied to install manually all the library loading the main file 'Flexcel.groupproj' into Seattle, rebuild and install.

All ok, but when try to recomplie my projects i got that error.

How can i solve this ?

Thnk's for all



XlsAdapterResources.res is generated from XlsAdapterResources.rc when you compile the projects. (look at it like .rc=.pas, .res=.dcu)

So the first thing to know is if you do have a XlsAdapterResources.res somewhere in your disk and it only needs to be in the search path, of if you don't have a XlsAdapterResources.res at all.

Can you search your hard disk and see if you have any XlsAdapterResources.res on it?  (I personally use and can recommend  http://www.voidtools.com but of course use any tool you like)

If there is some XlsAdapterResources.res somewhere in the disk, make sure that this is in your library path.

If you don't have the file at all, then something else is going on with the compilation, as the file should be generated from the .rc when you build it.

Finally, to do a manual install make sure to follow the steps here:

Or if you prefer, please post the file <FlexCel install folder>\TMSSoftware\FlexCelVCL\Setup\FlexCel_build_log.txt 
from the automated setup (or send it to adrian@tmssoftware.com) and we will very likely be able to tell you why the automatic install failed.

Hi Adrian,

the file is present but in compiling directory that was not in library/search path.

The file was founded with voidtools ..... but not with explorer (so i will never found it !! thank' for this tool!).

Thank's again
