Flexcel 7.11 and Flexcelcvlreg

Good Morning,
just today j have installed last flexcell library (7.11).

When i rebuild my projects, j had this error

[dcc32 Fatal Error] Form_NuovaPreview.pas(453): F2051 Unit XLSXAdapter was compiled with a different version of _UXlsAdapter.XlsFile.TXlsFile

I did not find the Flexcelvclreg zip file .... could be this the reason of compiling error ??




XlsxAdapter is from FlexCel 3, and indeed, flexcelvclreg.zip (the FlexCel 3 file) was removed from the download page. We removed it because too many customers were getting confused and downloading FlexCel 3 instead of 7 because they misclicked the link.

But FlexCel 3 is still available and adapted for Delphi 11 too. Just mail to info@tmssoftware.com with your registration data, and they will send you the latest FlexCel 3.