Error with TAdvStringGrid and FlexCel


I am facing an issue after I updated all my TMS software components. I installed the latest TMS Component Pack, then installed latest FlexCel and then AdvGridFilters, so when I try to compile my projects I get this error:

[dcc32 Fatal Error] advgridworkbook.pas(797): F2051 Unit UAdvGridExcelExport was compiled with a different version of AdvGridWorkbook.TAdvGridWorkbook

This error is not new to me, I got it the very first time I tried to install FlexCel and AdvGridFilters, the issue was persistent and fixed after a few days by adding a path entry into Windows system variables path. This entry is still there so normally I should not get this error again.


Did you upgrade TMS Component Pack AFTER you installed TMS Grid Filters? If so, you'll need to recompile the TMS Grid Filters package.

Hello Bruno,

The packages where installed in the order I mentioned, first Component Pack, then FlexCel and last Grid Filters


FYI, utill yesterday I was updating Component Pack and Grid filters and everything worked fine. The issue appeared when I decided to update FlexCel also

Uninstalled everything, double checked that no .bpl files left behinf, deleted every .dcu file associated with TMS and installed from the beginning, this time it worked :)


Projects compile ok but when I edit AdvGrid.pas I get that error, how can I fix this?

When you edit/change AdvGrid.pas you should indeed recompile TMS Grid Filter package as this depends on AdvGrid.pas

I did that and unfortunately I still get the same complain about AdvGridWorkbook, is there anything else I have to do?

If you do a full build on TMS Component Pack packages and after that on TMS Grid Filter package, I cannot see a reason for this problem.

Hello Bruno,

Thank you very much for your support, I think it is ok now :)
