Error after installing 10.4.1 FMX

I installed Delphi 10.4.1 today and ran an existing 10.4 project. Works fine in VCL but FMX errors when I compile with [dccosx64 Fatal Error] MLRINFO.PAS(8): F2613 Unit 'FMX.TMSFNCTypes' not found.

What now?


We are unware of issues. Can you check the library path of macOS 64 bit?

sorry, where do I find what you want?

go to Tools ->Options ->Language ->Delphi->Library.

Check the Library Path if it contains a entry pointing to the source folder.


Can you please add a path to where the TMS FNC Core & TMS FNC UI Pack source files are installed?
You can copy the paths from the Win32 library path. It's strange that the path is not updated. This should happen automatically.

Apparently this is an issue with FMX MacOS, as it looks like I have to do the same for FlexCel.

FYI, here is what is showing in the Win32 paths.

C:\Users\shochberg\Documents\tmssoftware\TMS FNC Core;
C:\Users\shochberg\Documents\tmssoftware\TMS FNC Core\Delphi104Sydney\Win32\Release;
C:\Users\shochberg\Documents\tmssoftware\TMS FNC UI Pack
;C:\Users\shochberg\Documents\tmssoftware\TMS FNC UI Pack\Delphi104Sydney\Win32\Release;
C:\Users\shochberg\Documents\tmssoftware\TMS FNC UI Pack\xlsAdapter;

That's strange. So no path entries inside the library path for macOS 64 bit?


can you take a look under


in the registry?

It should have:


Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Embarcadero\BDS1.0\Library does not exist.

Did you mean perhaps


It exists and has the folders you show.

OK, we"ll investigate what is happening.

OK, you might check with Adrian - it seems like when I had this same problem with FlexCel after installing an update to Delphi a while back, he knew why it didn't work correctly on MacOS.

Thank you for your help.