Delphi 2009 debugger enters in TMS units!


I have a strange problem.  When I run my Apps and use the debugger (run my apps line by line of code), the debugger is always entering in TMS units (BaseGrid.pas, advStringGrid.pas, etc...).
I dont want to debug those unit, I want to debug MY units.
How can I correct this??

Remove the path where the .PAS files are located from your library path.

I am using XE and am having the same problem. Simply removing the path to the directory with the *.PAS files prevents the code fro compiling, as there are other files in use in this directory that are required.

Can you be more specific about EXACTLY what has to be in the library directory to compile?


please, this post is important,  can someone reply PLEASE???? 

Define an output path in the package(s) the will cause the .DCU files to be generated to this path and add just this path to your library path, NOT the path where the .PAS files are .

do it yourself they say.... I have found a pretty simple way to prevent delphi from opening .pas file when debuging,

in each .PAS files that you dont want the debugger to open, add a line in the upper section of the .pas unit, just after the unit Blablabla;
Unit advStrgrid;
{$D- $L-} //Added by Simon LD - prevent Delphi from opening the .pas file while debugging
uses ......

sorry Bruno, i did not saw your message when posting mine...

where should I go to do what you say?   must I be in one of MY project?  so then, I go to "tools"->"delphi Options"->library win32"->output folder for DCP ?
or maybe is it "DCU debug path" ?