DBAdvEdit LookUp behaviour


Put to the form a DBAdvEdit, and a writable datasource.
Set DBAdvedit.LooUp.Enabled:=true, and set some value for DisplayList.
Try it.

When you put down the 3. key (Numchars=2), the DBAdvEdit's value "restarted".

About from TMS CP

Thanks in advance.

Win7, Delphi XE7, TMS CP

I retested this with test project

and I cannot reproduce this problem.

Your sample work perfekt.

I search for the differents.

Put a AdvFocusHelper to the form. 

The issue was in TAdvFocusHelper and we've applied a fix for this that will be included in the next update.

Ok, thanks.

If this is simple fix, can I get the fix via email ? 
The next TMS CP is too far. :)

Please contact us by email in that case.