V8.0.3.0: Critical Error in TAdvSpinEdit and other

After installation of Component Pack, if one clicks on TAdvSpinEdit, it starts to change its width point by point and the application hangs! The same behaviour can be noticed for other controls TDBAdvSpinEdit, TDbAdvEdit (not all).

I cannot reproduce this.

If a problem persists, please send a sample source project & detailed steps how to reproduce to support.

I am investigating it. I think the problem is connected to TAdvFocusHelper. Just put TAdvSpinEdit and TAdvFocusHelper on the form and try to run it.

I could only see the issue with TAdvSpinEdit, TDBAdvSpinEdit. Not with TDBAdvEdit or other TAdv*Edit components.
A fix is applied and we'll release an update shortly.

I appears also for TDbAdvEdit, but it is not so obvious. I have two TDbAdvEdit controls on the form with the same settings. One increases its width on click event, but the second works properly.

We have now traced & solved this issue in TAdvFocusHelper. The next update will address this.

Thank you for quick reaction.