D2009 Install Problem with TMS IntraWeb Component

sent a message with this problem but maybe someone else has a clue (and i really need to move on) so i apologize in advance for sending twice.


I run and install tms10d2009.dproj fine, but when i try to run and install tms10ded2009.dproj i get the following error (which i do not understand)

<?: prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> 

DCC Fatal Error] iw10tmsded2009.dpk(41): F2039 Could not create output file "c:\program files (x86)\codegear\rad studio\6.0\Bpl\iw10tmsd2009.bpl"


(and btw it looks the first install create the file iw10tmsd2009.bpl in that directory). how do i get around this? thanks.


[Moved topic to IntraWeb Components > Install]

Can you please try deleting the .bpl file, restart your Delphi and install the package again?

Please note that it is not a good idea to install components under \Program Files.
This folder has limited permissions for normal user accounts and writing files to this folder is for a normal user account not possible.

Please choose a folder different from \Program files to install the components.