Adding Icon To Marker

Dear Guys,

  When i add marker and pass icon url it dose not appear on map on Android
Please Help


Can you please make sure the TMSFMXWebGMaps component has access to the icon URL you assigned from the Android device?


Execuse me What do you mean by TMSFMXWebGMaps component has access to the icon URL

How can I check that ?

The icon URL is a reference to an image file. Please make sure this image file is accessible by the Android device.

Does the icon appear on the map if you run the application on Windows?
Are you using a local or a remote URL? A local URL is most likely not accessible by the Android device.

Bart Holvoet2019-10-17 09:31:29

I am using the same url as your example


And I can open and see the icon from chrome

Also it worked fine from windows application

It just not appear on android app

I have not been able to reproduce this issue.
Does the issue also happen with the OverView demo application included with TMS FMX WebGMaps?

yes i also run the TMSFMXWebGMaps sample app on android and the icon dose not appear

We are not aware of any issues with displaying an external image as an icon for TMSFMXWebGMaps on Android.
I'm not sure why this is not working for you.
Can you please provide the version of Delphi and Android you are using so I can further investigate this?

I am using Delphi Rio 10.3.2 and running android version 9

Could you please provide me an example running on android platform

I've retested the WebGMaps Overview Demo (as included with TMS FMX WebGMaps) on Android 9 and haven't noticed any issues with adding a Marker with an image icon.

Have you tried using a different device or a different internet connection?

Can you try to enable the debug console by setting ShowDebugConsole to True to check if any error messages are displayed?

Note that the WebGMaps Overview Demo is compatible with Android.
Simply add the Anroid platform and add the JavaScriptHelper.jar file to run the application.

just make sure you can access the icon from the android device

Também estou com este mesmo problema.
Ao rodar o exemplo teste do Overview pelo Windows o icone aparece normalmente, porém se rodar em um dispositivo Android , simplesmente o icone não aparece, desta forma a marca não é criada no mapa.

Estou utilizando para fins de teste o mesmo exemplo Demo fornecido.:

///Veja Só funciona no Windows
MarkerImage = '';
Marker.Icon := MarkerImage;

Alguém conseguiu alguma solução para este problema e poderia me ajudar?


Can you make sure the image is accessible from your Android device? (By entering the URL in a browser)
If not, please try with a different image that is placed on a server that is accessible over HTTPS.

Sim , fiz o teste com a Url no navegador do dispositivo e aparece perfeitamente, inclusive fiz os teste até mesmo com a imagem teste da Tms.

Se executar no FMX no Windows a imagem aparece no mapa perfeitamente, porém quando executo no dispositivo Android não aparece a imagem no Marker, simplesmente fica em branco.

Os Fontes de Demo Overview ao rodar no android apresenta o mesmo problema.

Hello Friends

First, thanks for the answer.

I am using the overview example provided with the component.
What happens is that when I test on Windows FMX win32 when I click on add markers the image appears on the map perfectly, but when I run the same example on Android, the image does not appear on the Marker.

From what I could see it is an error of incompatibility of the component with Android.

Could you check what happens please?

I'm waiting
Thank you!

Which version of Android are you using?

This might be a limitation where image files from an HTTP server are not accessible with the internal browser.
Can you please try using an image located on an HTTPS server instead?