Cloud Services Demo: No results for 3 different services

I'm trying the Cloud Services demo, and am not getting any results with Dropbox, Google Drive or OneDrive demos. No errors that I can see, but absolutely nothing displayed in the listbox, and none of the buttons seem to have any impact. What's the best way to diagnose the issue(s)?



first of all, did you follow the correct steps to configure a client-id & secret, and also set a proper callback URL that matches the one that you entered in the details? The first thing that happens after clicking Conect or Authenticate is that a browser pops up to log in and retrieve an authentication token. A big green checkmark should be shown when authentication is succesful.

Let's use DropBox as one example. I have the App Key and App Secret from the DropBox App Console. Using the Demo, when I click Connect the first time after creating the Application, I get a web page asking for permission to continue:
Before you connect this app... Make sure that you know and trust this developer.
Cancel / Continue

Clicking Continue then presents this web page:
MealService would like to View basic information about your Dropbox account.
Cancel / Allow

Clicking Allow then displays this page:
Application successfully authorized

So, I believe that I am connecting. In fact, the DropBox App Console shows the number of API calls. However, in the Demo, the list of files never refreshes. The log shows "Get Folder List" several times.

Aha. It must be my firewall. I'm using Windows Defender on the machine in question. If I turn off the firewall I get results.

The callback is bound to a specific port which needs to be configured in your firewall, or use a port that is already available in added to your firewall.

Yup, thanks.

How did you configure things on the Dropbox side? I'm having trouble getting the demo to work on my account as well.

(TMS: It would be really helpful to see more info on what settings are needed, or not, on the service side to make these interfaces work.)

Using the CloudPack demo, there are only three items needed for each service: the Client ID or Key, the Secret, and the Callback URL. Of those, the only configuration change that was needed on the local machine was to make sure that the port specified in the callback URL was open and not blocked by a firewall (which was my problem).

That said: while the demo is an exceptional demonstration of a dynamically generated form and application, for the purposes of learning how to program and configure the Cloud Pack components, I wish there were a simple, straightforward, standard form. That way you could spend your time understanding how the components are used and configured, rather than trying to figure out what's going on in the dynamic example, which is not at all easy.

I'm just trying to figure out how to configure and use it for saving an INI file in the cloud (Dropbox, in this case) that can be accessed from different places.

That whole crazy framework for the example is extremely distracting, and it's really hard to tell what's actually required since it's rather convoluted tracing through the execution path for just one service. I don't find it to be a helpful demo at all.

I don't find it to be a helpful demo at all.

Agreed, 1000%. I had to do something similar: store a backup of local data to one of two cloud services. I was under a deadline and finally decided to post a project on I hired someone
who really knew the FNC Cloud product, and did what I needed in a day or two. If you decide to go that route, I can recommend him.

Was it Eli by any chance?

No, Alex, in Guanajuato


We are aware that the overview demo can be overwhelming if you're looking for a simple example.
The next TMS FNC Cloud Pack update (planned for release later this week) will already include a few extra demos that consist of a simple form and focus on a single control or a few similar controls at most. The plan is to include more similar demos in the future.

Instructions on how to retrieve the necessary keys can be found on this page:

Regarding DropBox in particular, please note that the process was modified recently and the instructions have already been updated.

Thank you, thank you thank you! FNC Maps could use it, too. (Although I have the book, so that helps).

Happy to help!

We will also consider including less complex demos with TMS FNC Maps.