FNC Cloud Pack Support

I notice that a new Topic cannot be opened in the TMS FNC Cloud Pack support forum.

I cannot see such issue here.
Most likely this is because there is no active TMS FNC Cloud Pack license?
Licensed users have write access, all other users have read access.

I purchased a licence on August 3rd. I guess it hasn't filtered through to the support forum yet.

Still not able to post.

Well, still not able to post. So here are a couple of FNC Cloud Pack questions I Have:

  1. When setting up the Azure AD Oauth2 Authentication for OneDrive access, which Platform should be used: SPA or Mobile or Desktop application? I assume the latter as my app is a Desktop app. Also, should we be using Azure AD Graph or Microsoft Graph?

  2. I'm adapting the TMS VCL Cloud Pack Demos\CloudAdvStorageDemo's File Details feature to use in the TMSFNCCloudStorageServices Demo - and changing the former's TreeView1 to a TMSFNCListBox in the FNC demo. GoogleDrive works ok (and shows all the files in the TMSFNCListBox), but I'm not sure how to change line:

ci := TCloudItem(TreeView1.Selected.Data);

in ported Procedure TFormCloudStorage.ShowItem to create a TCloudItem from the selected TMSFNCListBox item and be able to display a file's details in a File Details TGroupBox.

ci := TTMSFNCCloudItem(TMSFNCListBox1.SelectedItem.DataPointer);

doesn't work - I get an AV. Is it possible to do this?


  • You should now be able to post in both the TMS VCL Cloud Pack and TMS FNC Cloud Pack categories.
    You might need to need to re-login first though.

  • Please use the "Web" platform as indicated in the documentation:

  • Can you please make sure to use SelectedItem.DataObject instead?

ci := TMSFNCListBox1.SelectedItem.DataObject as TTMSFNCCloudItem;

Thanks Bart. Using the following code in ported Procedure TFormCloudStorage.ShowItem gives an AV:

procedure TFormFNCCloudStorage.TMSFNCListBox1ItemClick(Sender: TObject;
AItem: TTMSFNCListBoxItem);
Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass;
Screen.Cursor := crDefault;

procedure TFormFNCCloudStorage.ShowItem(AItem: TTMSFNCListBoxItem);
ci: TTMSFNCCloudItem;

//if Assigned(TreeView1.Selected) then
if Assigned(TMSFNCListBox1.SelectedItem) then
//ci := TCloudItem(TreeView1.Selected.Data);
ci := TMSFNCListBox1.SelectedItem.DataObject as TTMSFNCCloudItem;
(if (ci is TBoxNetItem) then //Not reqd
(ci as TBoxNetItem).LoadFileInfo;

 showmessage(AItem.Text);  <-- OK
 showmessage(ci.FileName); <-- AV

Any idea why this doesn't work?

I think this is the reason (in procedure TFormFNCCloudStorage.FillListBox(AItems: TTMSFNCCloudItems; AAddFolders, AAddFiles: Boolean):

if ((ci.ItemType = ciFolder) and AAddFolders) or ((ci.ItemType = ciFile) and AAddFiles) then
//TMSFNCCloudDemoListBox1.AddItem(AItems.Items[I].Filename, ftype, ci); <--The Demo listbox
TMSFNCListBox1.AddItem(AItems.Items[I].Filename, {ftype, ci}); <-- My ListBox

Using an 'ordinary' ListBox instead of the TMSFNCCloudDemoListBox means the entries are missing the 'ftype' and 'ci' parameters - hence the AV I suspect. In an earlier post Pieter said the TMSFNCCloudDemoListBox is only for use in the demo - not working apps. See:

'The TTMSFNCCloudDemoListBox is a component that is registered purely for using it inside the demo. Please use the TTMSFNCListBox or TTMSFNCTableView which are included in the TMS FNC UI Pack.'

Is there a way round this?

Yes, you still need to assign the TTMSFNCCloudItem (ci) to the DataObject of the new TTTMSFNCListBox item.


procedure TForm1.FillListBox(AItems: TTMSFNCCloudItems);
  I: Integer;
  ci: TTMSFNCCloudItem;
  lit: TTMSFNCListBoxItem;
  if not Assigned(AItems) then

  for I := 0 to AItems.Count - 1 do
    ci := AItems.Items[I];
    lit := TMSFNCListBox1.AddItem(AItems.Items[I].FileName);
    lit.DataObject := ci;

That was it. Many thanks Bart.


Happy to help!