Blank strip on RHS of IPhoneRegion

IPhone 5
Current version of TMS IW pack.

  • Start a new application.
  • Place an IWIPhoneRegion on the form.
  • Place an IWIPhoneHeader in the region.
  • Place an IWEdit in the region at the bottom (say Top = 320).
  • Run on a real iPhone (problem does not occur on simulator or in desktop browser).
  • Tap in the edit so that the on-screen keyboard pops up.
  • Type something in the edit.
  • Tap the blue Done button.

The on-screen keyboard disappears and screen returns to normal, except that the IPhoneRegion is now 303 pixels wide, not 320, so there is a blank strip 17 pixels wide down the right hand side of the screen. Also tested on iPhone 4s with same result.

Is this something I can do something about or is it a bug?



Unfortunately this is an IntraWeb framework alignment issue which we have no control over.
You'll notice that this issue can be reproduced with using only standard IntraWeb controls:

- Place an IWRegion on the form and set Align to alClient.
- Place an IWEdit in the region with Top = 320..

Thank you Bart. I have posted this question in the Intraweb forum.

Just to follow this up, IW12.2.18 fixes this problem. The next release of IW14 will also contain the fix.