AV with TFMXGrid


please check/fix AV with TTMSFMXGrid:
rowcount = 1 AND FixedRows = 1


Row 9137 within FMX.TMSCustomGrid is the AV in XYToCell
...if Assigned(cell) and (cell is TControl) then..

Current TMS Version (10. Sept.), Delphi 10 Seattle

will also happen with Mouseclicks on those cells which have comboedit set as editor

Unfortunately the AV still exists with 13/09 update.
Please fix. (+also check Comboitems when setting adapttostyle = true, that the Strings still will be there and not emptied!)


I'm sorry but I cannot see these issues.
Was retested again in Delphi 10 Seattle with latest version of TMS Pack for FireMonkey and all works fine.
Are you 100% sure there are no more old version files on your system with which your app might get linked?

Hu Bruno,

100% sure no old versions.
Try to reproduce with rowcount 1 and fixedrow 1 and use 1 cell with comboedit.


can you send us a sample that is able to reproduce this + exact steps to reproduce this issue?

Kind Regards, 

No need for sample project.
Tested again: Create project, put TTMSFMXGrid onto it, set rowcount = 1 and start.
AV when mouse move over Grid.
Checked installation, Grid Version:
No other installations/files of previous FMX Pack found.

Please check


We have been able to reproduce this issue and have applied a fix for this.
The next version will address this.

Kind Regards, 

Superb, Thanks!