I am having serious issues with FNCDataGrid display after yesterdays update. The starting problem is with the display of Button Controls which jump out of their cell when hovered over and clicked in quick succession. I have attached a minimal program which exhibits the behaviour.
This is a rather contrived example of what my main program does but essentially clicking on the button hides the row and can effectively hide a bunch of other rows as a result, so I'm not quite sure where you would need me to move code to? Or indeed what it is we are trying to avoid by adjusting the code?
So we already applied improvements and fixes, but as a workaround, please use this code
procedure TForm1.DoSomething(const ARow : Integer);
I: Integer;
lRowCount : Integer;
lRowCount := 100;
TMSFNCDataGrid1.ColumnCount := 4;
TMSFNCDataGrid1.RowCount := 0;
TMSFNCDataGrid1.RowCount := lRowCount;
for I := 0 to lRowCount - 1 do
if I mod 5 = 0 then
TMSFNCDataGrid1.Cells[0, I] := I.ToString;
TMSFNCDataGrid1.SetButton(2,I, 'Click Me');
However, we are not able to reproduce the shifting of the control outside its cell, which RAD Studio are you using?
Hi Pieter, I'm on 12.2 (with patch 1 I think). Please refer to GIF of issue in action. All I'm doing is rolling my cursor over the buttons which can cause some artifacts, but the big jumps happen when I click. Note that replication is not consistent, but after clicking 4 or 5 times I'm usually guaranteed that it happens at least once.
Also thanks for the workaround but it doesn't work for my main program which is far more complicated. Hopefully once the update is published it will fix my issues to a point that the program is functional again.