advanced toolbars issue

hi.  I'm using TMS Component Pack v5.8.0.1 release Sep 8, 2010 (mainly advanced toolbars) with D7.

i got several reports from users about missing captions (see attached image)
all this users use Windows Xp (service pack 2 or service pack 3)
but i was not able to reproduce it on my Xp test system.

i also have several other problems with latest version of advanced toolbars:
for example :
-TAdvShapeButton.Appearance.Shape is reset to bsOrb each time i re-open project (i want to use bsCustom here) is reset to: psOffice2007Luna  (i want to use psOffice2007Obsidian here) ...

(until 2 weeks ago i used version 4.5 of advanced toolbars and it was ok there, problems started after update to TMS Component Pack v5.8.0.1)

hope you can help

Dear Mr Van  Biesen,

Are you specifying a truetype font and are you sure the font you specify is available on the end user system?
We're not aware of issues with the style or shapebutton shape. Do you have more detailed information how exactly we can reproduce this here?

Are you specifying a truetype font and are you sure the font you specify
is available on the end user system?

--> at first i used default settings as  : Segoe UI and with  systemFont set to true ...
after first user asked me about this, i also tried following variations :
Arial, systemFont= true


Arial systemFont=false

none of them worked and i assume arial should be present on all windows system

later i got message from one of the users that he was able to fix the problem by doing following:
in xp display properties --> appearance,
change the font size to extra large. hit apply,  change it back to normal
size, hit apply again, click ok

but with other user with same problem same procedure doesn't work...

We're not aware of issues with
the style or shapebutton shape. Do you have more detailed information
how exactly we can reproduce this here?
i created simple test project :  -where i set shape button appearance to bsCustom and it works, but when i close project and open it again appearance is set to bsOrb

Please use ZIP files as requested at 

sorry to ignore your rules about which archive type may be used on your forums
will never use .rar here anymore, i promise
here is the zip :

Setting the caption with:

we can't see a problem here. Can you please change your code to use

sorry but i don't understand, can you be more specific?

ok, i think you are trying to say i should use  TadvToolbarPager.Caption.Caption
well, i use it and you probably misunderstood my initial post...
everything is working well on ALL my test pc's and at all other users pc's and it looks like this when it works :

image in my initial post is how it looks when it doesn't work (image is created by one of the user of our software and i was never able to reproduce the problem on my pc's)

We could not reproduce this here yet. Is this happening on multiple XP machines?

Does it affect the issue when you set AntiAlias = aaNone?


i also can't reproduce it (if i could, i would probably not bother you, or at least i would give you more info about problem)
as i wrote above, it happens on more than one pc (different users) and one of the users was able to fix the problem by doing following procedure :

in xp display properties -->
change the font size to extra large. hit apply,  change it back to
size, hit apply again, click ok

but with other users same procedure doesn't work...

as for anti-alias, i don't know will try to check

something different you might want to check if the version of GDIPLUS.DLL on the machine where the problem
happens, possibly avoiding version problems by deploying GDIPLUS.DLL along with your app's EXE


thanks for reply, i sent e-mail to one of the users and asked him to send me his dll..
but, how can this be wrong dll version if one of the users was able to fix the problem by simply changing windows font settings? (read about it in my previous posts)

also, see screenshot from another user, with similar problem with advanced preview menus, while all other components (including tabs) works fine ... 

We have NEVER seen this problem before. Again, how exactly can we reproduce this?

What's the font setting for the preview menu items?
Are you using truetype fonts everywhere? Did you do the change with AntiAlias to test?

We have NEVER seen this problem before. Again, how exactly can we
reproduce this?

i don't know how to reproduce it, i was never able to reproduce it on any of my test pc's
i just get message from user of our software

What's the font setting for the preview menu items?
you can find whole settings for   TAdvPreviewMenu  and TAdvPreviewMenuOfficeStyler here:

+ i also use this code on application start (i do check if 'Segoe UI' font is present)

  if winVer < 6 then
      if screen.fonts.IndexOf('Segoe UI') = -1 then
        adv_toobarofficestyler.font.Name := 'Arial';
        adv_previewmenustyler.MenuItemAppearance.Font.Name := 'Arial';
        adv_toobarofficestyler.TabAppearance.font.Name := 'Arial';
        adv_toobarofficestyler.PagerCaption.Font.Name := 'Arial';

Did you do the change with
AntiAlias to test?
not yet, i don't have response from user about this yet

I cannot immediately see something wrong by just looking at these property settings.
Another test would be to let the user run our Office2007Demo and ask if this is working as expected and then
compare the settings of our demo app with the settings in your app.