64bits Trial Version

Is FNC MAPS 64bits TRIAL available for download?

I think that only the 32-bit trial version was installed.

Thanks in advance;

Yes, this should be installed for all available platforms. Did you install FMX, VCL, ...? 


After remove and reinstall FNC MAPS and FNCUIPack, with last updates, I got an error message on app building for Android64. Error was for UIPack, and seems not related to FNC MAPS.  

[DCC Fatal Error] uMainAdv.pas(21): F2048 Bad unit format: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\tmssoftware\TMSFNCUIPack RSXE12\Android\FMX.TMSFNCStatusBar.dcu' - Expected version: 33.0, Android NX Language(ARM64) Found version: 33.0, Android NX Language(ARM)

Thanks for fast replying, I ll check what's wrong.

Please make sure you are doing a clean and rebuild and start with a new project? Also saving the project in a separate folder and especially removing all folders that are generated while compiling might solve the issue. Also make sure to doublecheck which version of RAD Studio you are using, as we are building against the latest version of RAD Studio here.Pieter Scheldeman2020-05-04 21:36:04