I have a lot of questions! Of course.
The first: When I see the images of these tools, for example, all of the UI Pack, on your web, I see it with a very good aspect. Basically, I'm developing in Web with TMS Web Core. But to get this aspect in my Apps, I'm using Web Bootstrap templates.
With the UI Pack, is it easy to get this aspect with the components?
FNC does not work with bootstrap templates. The controls use the HTML canvas, and have appearance and style properties that can be accessed as if you would develop a normal VCL/Windows application.
A lot of things are not working out well.
I'm trying to compile many demos, and no one works.
It seems that the component path or the library path is not well set, but I don't know where to point it. To the Web folder? To the binary folder?
The IDE can't find the files of the components, and I don't know why they are not well configured after installation.
I've installed it more times to reproduce the initial problems with the BPLs, but this problem is not shown again.
I'm going to recreate the VM again to start from zero.
I will tell you what is happening, but I think this is a grave problem of the installation process or the documentation.
Now I proceed to open the first demo project in your Demo folder:
C:\Users\juanc\AppData\Local\tmssoftware\trial\TMSFNCUIPack RSXE15\Demos\WEB\ControlPicker
When I proceed to build it I get the next Delphi Error:
I don't know how to continue.
I can't find any documentation to say me what I need to modify.
Remember I'm currently working with TMS Web Core. I want continue working with it and with this new components.
The error messages indicate a corrupt or missing BPL, this could be due to VMWare not properly configured or a corrupt IDE. Please check the following:
Does the BPL actually exist in that location?
Inspect the log file for build errors and post them here
There is no point testing or compiling projects if the BPL is not loaded, so
The error "Can't load package" with the reference to the BPL, please navigate to that location and check if the BPL file effectively exists.
Navigate to C:\Users\juanc\AppData\Local\tmssoftware\log and inspect the log file for errors. Typically, "Can't load package" is due to underling operating system issues that need to be resolved first, for example, what is the status of "MSBuild", is your operating system properly configured as with VMWare this is not always the case and typically yields different results than on real operating system software.
The problem of the compiling process was successfully solved.
The only problem currently is that the Packages of DesignTime are not loaded in the IDE. Because of this, I can't see the forms with these components because the IDE tries to delete them every time I open one of them.