WEBUpdate Dialogs translation


Are the dialogs only available in English when the WEBUpdate is running? I would like to have them in German, can I define this somewhere or am I missing something here?
I don't mean the wizard... I mean the dialogs that appear when processing an update.

Thanks in advance for the answers

Compile WUPDGER.RC to WUPDENG.RES with BRCC32 and recompile your app.

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Thank you very much for the quick reply. Where should the file WUPDGER.RC be located? I can't find it anywhere.

I have now searched everything and unfortunately there is not a single resource file (*.rc) The resource files are also not available in the "demo version". Should the *.rc files have been included in the TMS setup package or do I have to download them from here?

It should be in the install folder where all TMS VCL UI Pack sources are.
I attached it here too.
wupdger.zip (1.1 KB)

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Thank you for the file but as I said before. There is not a single RC file in the directory and also not in the subdirectories. I have reinstalled the TMS package for testing and they are definitely missing.

We will check again

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