Webpanel height restriction when aligned to left

I am using a webpanel as a container to some menu options, like a lateral menu.
Whenever I set the panel alignment to alLeft or alRight, it immediately resizes to 559px. The webform height is 1200.
I would expect that the webpanel follows the form height, but in this case, the only way of resizing the vertical axis (height) is to make the panel alignment to none. Which is a problem if I want another container to be alClient so that they auto resize like in delphi.
Not a big deal but it is an anomalous behaviour.

Have tested this on a number of projects, so it is 100% reproducible.

I could not reproduce this

I could swear that two weeks ago this behavior was both at design time and runtime.
Today I made a test project to send as sample and found that at runtime it works well but not at design time. Also found that is not only for the panel. Also happens for other components, like the webmemo as you can see.
On the screenshots you can see that the align property is alClient for the webmemo and alLeft for the webpanel. The Form height is 1000, and I would expect that the alLeft panel and alClient memo resize to that height.
I found today that depending on the IDE window size, the height of this components with that alignment property value varies proportionally. Didn't calculate the factor but the smaller the IDE window, the smaller the alLeft and alClient components height.

It is the same on mac and windows.
paneltest.zip (13.6 KB)

Do you use the latest version?
I couldn't see a problem here.

I have version 2.0.5927.
Usually the problem is not visible, that is until you exceed a certain height. Go ahead and set the form height to 1500 or higher (or drag the form in the same way you are doing but way below the visible part on the editor), and then scroll down with the mouse. Then you will see that at some point the form keeps growing in height but the alClient components stop growing.

We fixed the problem. The next update will address this.

Great, thanks.