TMS WEB Core VSC v1.9.85691 alClient

To reproduce:

  1. Create a new TMS Web Form
  2. Place a TWeb Panel on the form
  3. Chose Properties -> Align: alLeft
  4. Place a TWebSplitter on the form
  5. Chose Properties -> Align: alLeft
  6. Place a TWeb Panel on the form
  7. Chose Properties -> Align: alClient

Historic behavior:

  • WebPanel2 will occupy all space not claimed by WebPanel1 and WebSplitter1
  • Size Ratio WebPanel1 / WebPanel2 can be dynamically adjusted using WebSplitter1

New behavior:

  • WebPanel2 claims all space in the form
  • WebPanel2 is hiding WebPanel1 and WebSplitter1

I don't think this new behavior is correct. Also it breaks existing code.

VS Code
Version: 1.68.0-insider
Commit: ba2dd825803b5f95d5dcce927afc3a4882ed0f84
Date: 2022-05-19T05:16:16.887Z
Electron: 17.4.3
Chromium: 98.0.4758.141
Node.js: 16.13.0
OS: Linux x64 5.4.0-110-generic snap


Thanks for reporting.
We've seen the issue and are working on a fix.

Works for me again with v1.9.85702.
Thank you for the quick fix!

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