WebCore for TypeScript

Hello Jose,

First of all - it's very impressive what you have created up to now. And it feels already very good.
I just finished my first simple test-project with WebCore for TypeScript. It runs fine when I run it out of VSC. Now I want to copy the result on a server to test this also.

Where can I find the files of a TypeScript-project to deploy ? For example there must be a Project1.js somewhere.
(Project1.html has this line: <script type="text/javascript" src="Project1.js"></script>), but I cannot find it.
In WebCore VSC "classic" there is a subfolder TMSWeb where I can find it in the debug/release folder for deployment.

Thanks/Regards, Tom

In a terminal, in the same folder where your project is located, just type "npm run build", and that will pack your app in a file called Project1.js, which is the one you have to deploy.

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