web version of workflow

any plan for bringing workflow and aurelius  to the web -WebCore-? 

any plan or work in progress for supporting 
devextreme https://js.devexpress.com/      
EasyUi  http://www.jeasyui.com/


We have plans to bring TMS Aurelius to TMS Web Core, as soon as Pas2JS supports generics.

For TMS Workflow Studio, there are no plans as the architecture is very VCL-oriented. But we have an intention to bring a new BPM framework from scratch (similar to Workflow Studio) that will be platform agnostic, server-enabled, etc. The initial source code is here: http://github.com/wlandgraf/octopus-bpm

Any update/Progress for BPM ?

Unfortunately no. Have you checked the the octopus-bpm project?

Again checking .. Any progress ? on Git - last change is 3 year ago ! Please advise any time line for this product in TMS?

There have been significant progress in the Octopus BPM project. You can check the develop branch, not the main one. We are actually using it in production in some internal, critical projects.

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