VSC and WebPageControl

I am still having problems with Web Core projects in which I use the WebPageControl. I attached a simple project that looks fine in Delphi. However, in VSC:

  1. two addintional tabs are added , 'Page1' and 'Page2'
  2. captions are replaced with control names
  3. on the actual page two (WebTabSheet2) there should be two data grids. Only one is shown
  4. on page two you can also see controls of page 1 (WebTabSheet1)

Web_Dijken.zip (12.9 KB)

Any chance that the issue with the webpagecontrol will be solved?

We could reproduce this and we are working on this.

Doesn't seem to be fixed in he recently published VSC version. Hard to tackle?

It is a non-trivial issue (requires design-time debugging as it is a design-time only issue).
We did not have enough time to complete this for v1.8.2 and it is still on our todolist.