Vertical scale incorrect in HTML Combobox pulldown

I am having scaling issues with an HTMLComboBox 2 .4.0.0 in Delphi 11.3 on Windows 11. The font size is set to 12 (height -16). The component does no editing in my app, only selection, but I have set an editheight of 22, because any lower value loses the descenders on the text when not pulled down.

I have per-monitor DPI enabled for the app. Opening the app on a 200% scale monitor, the pulldown displays the five entries with about 2.5cm (the height of about 4 text lines) of vertical white space between lines. If I move the window to a 100% scale monitor, the pulldown displays single-spaced as expected. It is double-spaced when pulled down again after moving back to the original monitor.

The HTML text of each item is shorter than the pulldown with and contains no

, but surrounding each line with

, as in your examples, makes no difference. Style is set to csOwnerDrawFixed as stated as mandatory in the HTML pack help.

It's not useable as it is.

Can you please mark the HTML you are trying to insert here as code, as otherwise, it disappears (see toolbar icon </>). Or try to provide a sample source code app with which we can reproduce the problem.