TAdvDbComboBox Item Editor Too Small

When I place a TAdvDBComboBox on a form and double-click the Items the resulting editor is too small, obscuring the Ok and Cancel buttons. "Get stored values" is the last button visible along the bottom. The window is 233 by 306 pixels although I can see in the source it should be wider. 

TMS Components version The component version shows as
This is in C++Builder 10.1 Berlin under Windows 10.

In what DPI is your monitor set?

I'm not sure the exact setting you would like to see.

The System::Monitors shows PixelsPerInch of 96.

The monitor is 2560x1600 27 inch. Windows scaling is 100%.

Also, on the same system in XE5 it works correctly.

We can confirm we fixed this issue. Next update will address this.