Version installed?

Delphi Welcome screen shows version

When I go to Tools-Options-TMS Web it shows version

This is unfortunate, I'm i doubt which version is installed.

I have uninstalled/reinstalled, same result.

Did you do a full uninstall via the Windows Control Panel first of all TMS WEB Core related installs BEFORE installing the latest version

Yes, I always do a full uninstall via the Windows Control Panel first, when installing a new version of Web Core. I've had this problem some time ago too, but not lately until now.

When uninstalling and then installing the new version it must be the new version that is active? I don't mind what is showing in the Welcome screen as long as I'm actually on the latest version :grinning: But it makes me unsure.

Update, full uninstall/install (third time) and Welcome Screen shows correct version now.

Only difference I stopped Malwarebyte.
