Version 1.3.8 and TWebRichEditorToolbar


I found problem with TWebRichEditorToolbar

Example program can you get from:

It is because there is no richeditor assigned to the toolbar.
We have improved the control though to have no errors in this specific case.

You are right, when I add richeditor and assign toolbar is better but not good.
Maybe am I doing something in wrong way in my example?

See my changed example:

What exactly is "not good"?

I cannot see anything wrong, please provide sufficient & exact details about what you consider "not good"?

I showed the problems in my example program.

1) When I map toolbar with html template like in my example:
  <p>something 1</p>
  <div id="elem"></div>
  <div id="riche" style="height: 200px;"></div>
  <p>something 2</p>
why is the toolbar displayed on richeditor?
I can't write first line in editor because is hidden by toolbar.

2) When I focused toolbar buttons using mouse pointer, why the buttons change position?

It was nowhere mentioned and totally not clear that the point here was an issue with HTML element binding. 

Sorry, maybe I didn't make it clear what's wrong ... but now I hope everything is clear.

The problem with TWebRichEditorToolbar element binding still exists in version See my example which I prepared for version 1.3.8. Example


Has anyone from support check this issue?
When can I expect to solve this issue?

We implemented a fix.
The next release will have this fix.

Now is ok

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