We use TMS FNC WX Pack version
- If we assign HTML formatted text to TTMSFNCWXHTMLMemo's HTML.Text property, carriage return/newlines are replaced by HTML br tags which we don't want in most cases. Would it be possible to extend this component with a new published boolean property ReplaceWithHTMLLineBreaks which is true by default for backwards compatibility but which we can set to false?
- In some scenarios, toolbar buttons which we set to invisible at design time are visible at runtime. We applied a fix which sets the toolbar's OnChanged event handler to nil in BeforeLoadDFMValues and restores/calls the toolbar's OnChanged event handler in AfterLoadDFMValues.
- Is there a way to control how an HTML paragraph tag is displayed in the memo, e.g. using CSS? We want the HTML p tags to be preserved but displayed just as an HTML br (newline) or with less vertical space.