Probable problem with TAdvOfficePager

After the installation of TMS Component Pack, when I open the form with TAdvOfficePager and I try to save it, the information about Stack overflow appears and Delphi - Rad Studio (10.2.3) is closing.

The problem dispappeared, when I reinstalled the older version In fact I am not sure if it directly connected to TAdvOfficePager. I tested the behaviour on some forms and only those with this component generated the error.

I have retested this here and so far, I could not see an issue. 

This was retested with a new project and also with the TAdvOfficePager demo.
Do you see this issue when you use the component on a new project?

Thank you for checking it.
No, I open existing project with many forms and many controls on them. I will try to analyze it deeper.

Finally: it is connected to TDbAdvEdit - not TAdvOfficePager. Sorry for misinformation, but it was not obvious to trace (I extracted the error details after 22nd RAD Studio crash).

Create new TForm. 
Put TDBAdvEdit on the form.
Try to save it.

You're correct. Issue found & fixed. Contact us by email for an incremental source update.