update failed


When I test demo program :slight_smile: Impossible d'ouvrir le fichier "...\tmssoftware\registered\TMS FNC AppTools\Demos\VCL\AppUpdate\app_icon.png". Le fichier spécifié est introuvable.

After update, I don't found app_icon.png.

May be there is no png in zip file ?



We cannot reproduce this.
Did you change the target (instead of the default Windows 32-bit)? When you build the executable, is the output folder "...\tmssoftware\registered\TMS FNC AppTools\Demos\VCL\AppUpdate"?

I have just compile the sample. Nothing changed.

Where is your executable output folder?

Which IDE version are you using?

Can you check the log file? It should be available at C:\Users\YourUser\AppData\Local\Temp\appupdate.log