Unable to create release version

I created a project from scratch with VSC and can compile in debug mode. However, when switching to Run without debug still the debug version is compiled.
Then I opened the project in Delphi, switch to release version. In Delphi no problem to create the release version.

Returned back to VSC and now only release version can be created.

BTW. The following problems detected which do not effect the working of the app:
Method "HandleDoDragEnd" hides method of base type "TControl" at c:\Users\henne002.vscode\extensions\tmssoftware.tmswebcore-1.1.3816\resources\coresource\WEBLib.Controls.pas(488,29)
Method "HandleDoDragOver" hides method of base type "TControl" at c:\Users\henne002.vscode\extensions\tmssoftware.tmswebcore-1.1.3816\resources\coresource\WEBLib.Controls.pas(485,30)
Method "HandleDoDragStart" hides method of base type "TControl" at c:\Users\henne002.vscode\extensions\tmssoftware.tmswebcore-1.1.3816\resources\coresource\WEBLib.Controls.pas(484,31)

we will investigate

Any news on this?

When running, the active build configuration on the .dproj is used, you can switch that active build configuration in VSC using the project manager, you can see how that works in this video:

Thanks. This is now clarified. However, in previous versions it as possible to use the 'Run' and 'Run without Debugging' options to switch between debug and release version.

We confirm these warnings have been internally fixed and the next update will have these warnings removed. These warnings do not harm though.