TTMSFNCWXDocx don't work!

for j := 0 to 3 do
LCell := LRow.AddCell;
LCell.Shading.ShadingType := stPercent20; // don"t work!
LCell.Width.WidthType := TTMSFNCWXDocxTableWidthType.wtPercentage; // OK
LCell.Width.Size := 25;
// with LCell.Borders do // don"t work!
// begin
// Borders := [boTop];
// Top.Value := bsSingle; // don"t work!
// Top.Size := 2; // don"t work!
// Top.Color := "black"; // don"t work!
// end;
LPara := LCell.AddParagraph; // OK
LPara.Alignment := taLeft; // taRight; OK
LText := LPara.AddText("row " + IntToStr(i) + " cell " + IntToStr(j)); //OK
LPara.Border.Borders := [boBottom]; // OK
// LPara.Border.Borders := [boTop]; //don"t work!
LText.Font := LDoc.DefaultFont; // OK
Ltext.Font.Color := gcBrown; // OK
Ltext.Font.Size := 9; // OK
LCell.Borders.Borders := [boTop]; // don"t work!
LCell.Borders.Top.Color := "black"; // don"t work!
LCell.Borders.Top.Space := 3; // don"t work!
LCell.Borders.Top.Value := bsSingle; // don"t work!
LCell.Borders.Top.Size := 2; // don"t work!


We have replied to your e-mail providing more information regarding this issue.

With kind regards

Regarding the shading of cells and borders: you could style the paragraph in the cell like this:

  Cell := Row.AddCell;
  Paragraph := Cell.AddParagraph;
  Paragraph.Shading.ShadingType := TTMSFNCWXDocxShadingType.stSolid;
  paragraph.Border.Borders := [boLeft, boTop, boBottom, boRight];
  Paragraph.Shading.Color := 'red';

Hope this helps.

paragraph.Border.Borders := [boLeft, boRight]; // don't work
paragraph.Border.Borders := [boTop, boBottom]; // is OK!


Unfortunately i could not find a way around the current limitations of the used library. we will follow this up and see when they have a fix for this.

With kind regards

Do you have any idea when the bag will be fixed?


Unfortunately, we are still waiting for the used library to be updated with a fix for this.

With kind regards