for j := 0 to 3 do
LCell := LRow.AddCell;
LCell.Shading.ShadingType := stPercent20; // don"t work!
LCell.Width.WidthType := TTMSFNCWXDocxTableWidthType.wtPercentage; // OK
LCell.Width.Size := 25;
// with LCell.Borders do // don"t work!
// begin
// Borders := [boTop];
// Top.Value := bsSingle; // don"t work!
// Top.Size := 2; // don"t work!
// Top.Color := "black"; // don"t work!
// end;
LPara := LCell.AddParagraph; // OK
LPara.Alignment := taLeft; // taRight; OK
LText := LPara.AddText("row " + IntToStr(i) + " cell " + IntToStr(j)); //OK
LPara.Border.Borders := [boBottom]; // OK
// LPara.Border.Borders := [boTop]; //don"t work!
LText.Font := LDoc.DefaultFont; // OK
Ltext.Font.Color := gcBrown; // OK
Ltext.Font.Size := 9; // OK
LCell.Borders.Borders := [boTop]; // don"t work!
LCell.Borders.Top.Color := "black"; // don"t work!
LCell.Borders.Top.Space := 3; // don"t work!
LCell.Borders.Top.Value := bsSingle; // don"t work!
LCell.Borders.Top.Size := 2; // don"t work!
We have replied to your e-mail providing more information regarding this issue.
With kind regards
Regarding the shading of cells and borders: you could style the paragraph in the cell like this:
Cell := Row.AddCell;
Paragraph := Cell.AddParagraph;
Paragraph.Shading.ShadingType := TTMSFNCWXDocxShadingType.stSolid;
paragraph.Border.Borders := [boLeft, boTop, boBottom, boRight];
Paragraph.Shading.Color := 'red';
Hope this helps.
paragraph.Border.Borders := [boLeft, boRight]; // don't work
paragraph.Border.Borders := [boTop, boBottom]; // is OK!
Unfortunately i could not find a way around the current limitations of the used library. we will follow this up and see when they have a fix for this.
With kind regards
Do you have any idea when the bag will be fixed?
Unfortunately, we are still waiting for the used library to be updated with a fix for this.
With kind regards
This issue will be fixed in the next release of the FNC WX Pack.
Is it already known when the next release of FNC WX Pack with bug fixing will come? It is not possible to create a table with borders. The solution with Borders for Paragraph would be a stopgap solution, but this does not work correctly either. We bought the component 6 months ago but cannot use it.
We are working hard to release an update this week.
In version an attempt was made to fix the following bug: TTMSFNCWXDocx left and right border property for paragraphs. However, a new error has occurred: It is now no longer possible to create the table without left and right borders!
We have applied a fix for this, which will be available in the next release of the TMS FNC WX Pack.