TTMSFNCMapBox Polylines are not showing

For some reason the polylines do not draw on the TTMSFNCMapBox either by using a gpx file or creating an array, I am able to render them in the OpenLayers version, but not on the MapBox. Is this a known issue? I a loading the data from a csv file in C++ builder.

	ifstream readfile(OpenDialog1->FileName.c_str());
	std::string thetext;
	int lines = 0;
	std::vector<std::unique_ptr<TTMSFNCMapsCoordinateRec>> coords;
	std::vector<TTMSFNCMapsCoordinateRec> MyCoords;

	while (getline(readfile, thetext) && exit == false)
		if (lines > 0) {
			try {
				std::stringstream ssTmp(thetext.c_str());
				int j = 0;
				double lat = 0;
				double lon = 0;
                double alt = 0;
				while( ssTmp.good() ) {
					std::string val;
					getline( ssTmp, val, ',' );
					switch (j) {
					   case 0: lat = ::atof(val.c_str()); break;
					   case 1: lon = ::atof(val.c_str()); break;
					   case 2: alt = ::atof(val.c_str()); break;
					   default: break;

				TTMSFNCMapsCoordinateRec coord;
				coord.Latitude = lat;
				coord.Longitude = lon;
				coord.Elevation = alt;
				coord.HasElevation = true;
				coord.HasTimeStamp = false;
			} catch (...) { }

	TTMSFNCMapsCoordinateRecArray arr;
	arr.Length = MyCoords.size();

	for (int i = 0; i < MyCoords.size(); i++) {
		arr[i] = MyCoords[i];

	TTMSFNCMapsCoordinateRecArray arr2;
	arr2.Length = 2;

		TTMSFNCMapsCoordinateRec coord1;
		coord1.Latitude = arr[0].Latitude;
		coord1.Longitude = arr[0].Longitude;
		coord1.Elevation = arr[0].Elevation;
		coord1.HasElevation = true;
		coord1.HasTimeStamp = false;

		TTMSFNCMapsCoordinateRec coord2;
		coord2.Latitude = arr[arr.Length-1].Latitude;
		coord2.Longitude = arr[arr.Length-1].Longitude;
		coord2.Elevation = arr[arr.Length-1].Elevation;
		coord2.HasElevation = true;
		coord2.HasTimeStamp = false;

		arr2[0] = coord1;
		arr2[1] = coord2;


	TTMSFNCMapsPolyline* polyline = TMSFNCMapBox2->AddPolyline(arr2);
	polyline->StrokeWidth = 5;
	polyline->StrokeColor = gcBlack; //TAlphaColorRec.Black; //gcRed;
	polyline->StrokeOpacity = 1;

	TMSFNCMapBox2->AddMarker(arr[0].Latitude, arr[0].Longitude);
	TMSFNCMapBox2->AddMarker(arr[arr.Length-1].Latitude, arr[arr.Length-1].Longitude);

	TMSFNCMapBox2->SetCenterCoordinate(arr[0].Latitude, arr[0].Longitude);

Thank you!


Thank you for notifying us!
This issue has now been fixed and the update will be available with the next TMS FNC Maps release.

As a temporary workaround you can use the TTMSFNCMaps with Service set to msMapBox instead.