How do i scroll the nav bar when there are more items then can be displayed?  I did a test with the following code:

 I: Integer;
 Panel: TTMSFMXNavBarPanel;
 for I := 1 to 20 do
  Panel:= TTMSFMXNavBarPanel.Create(NavBar);
  Panel.Caption:= 'Tab ' + intToStr(I);

The NavBar only shows the first 15 items on my phone (Samsung Galaxy Note III). There is no way to scroll. In the footer there is no buttons, but if i move my move over the right side of the footer, it looks like there are 4 little rectangles that change change color - WEIRD!

Anyway, if I grab the splitter and move it all the way to the bottom, t

Anyway, if I grab the splitter and move it all the way to the bottom, the little rantagle in the footer (which I can barely see) moves to the left as I wove the splitter down. When the splitter is all the way at the bottom, it shows a arrow image on the left and right side of the splitter, neither of which are clickable.

This is the weirdiest behavior



We have investigated this here but are unable to reproduce this here, can you send us a sample that demonstrates this?

Kind Regards, 

How do I send it to you?