TTIWHTMLLabel and font size

If in the component TTIWHTMLLabel, I set HTML Text with font size value, the result is bad.
The text displayed in the browser has a font size very, very more important.
Is there a way to defined the font size in the HTML Text witch is different of the font size defined in the property of the component ?

Thanks in advance

Have you tried adding a font or span tag in the HTMLText property?

 TIWHTMLLabel1.HTMLText := '<FONT size="16px">Hello</FONT>';


Have you tried adding a font or span tag in the HTMLText property? Yes but in the IDE not by code.

 TIWHTMLLabel1.HTMLText := '<FONT size="16px">Hello</FONT>';

If in the property the font size is 12 and in the HTML Text I defined font size 14 (<FONT size="14px">Hello</FONT>), then the display is nor 12 nor 14 but a size very more important.

Best regards


Can you please try using a SPAN tag with STYLE attribute instead?

<SPAN style="font-size:16px;">test</SPAN>


Can you please try using a SPAN tag with STYLE attribute instead? Yes

No change. The texte displayed has not the size defined by the tag

Best Regards

When using the span tag I have not been able to reproduce this issue.

Can you please let me know which IntraWeb version and Browser you are using?

I use : RadStrudio XE2 update 4 in the C++ personality and IntraWeb 12.1.26.

The browser is Firefox version 10 and 11.

I have notice that if I used tags like size, align in the HTML text and the same property in the component the text who is displayed is not good.
Size => The size of the text is very very more important than the size specified.
Align => If the align is : right alignement, I have one more line.

Best Regards

I have not been able to reproduce this issue.
Can you please provide a ready to run sample app that demonstrates the issue so I can further investigate this?

You can send sample apps to

I post you a simple project. I put a screen copy of the result with firefox.

Best Regards