TTIWDBAdvWebGrid - DataCheckbox Field

I have two DataCheckbox columns in a DBAdvWebGrid.

When I change the checkboxes value and save I get an Error ' "True" is not a valid boolean for this field". (same for "false").

This happens only when I use the databutton column to edit and save.
If I use the AsyncNavigator saving works fine.

I have a german installation here, but neither modified TTIWDBGridColumn.Checkfalse / Checktrue nor Clientdataset.TBooleanfield.Displayvalues fixed the problem.

Using Windows 7 / Delphi XE4 / IW14.0.25 / TMS IW Pack 5.5

Thank you for any hint on this,
Ronald Krause


Can you please make sure the datafield that is associated with the DataCheckBox columns is accepting 'true' and 'false' values (or the values assigned for CheckFalse and CheckTrue properties)?

If the problem persists, can you please provide the following information so I can further investigate this:
- Which type of database are you using?
- Which type of datafield is associated with the DataCheckBox columns?
- Which editor are you using for the DataCheckBox columns?
- A ready to run sample project that demonstrates the issue.

Thank you for the quick response. I use Postgres 9.2. It accepts 'true', 't', 1,'y', 'yes', ... as boolean.

I digged a litte into the problem and found that in unit DBConst there are these localized resourcestrings:
  STextFalse = 'falsch';
  STextTrue = 'wahr';

I managed to fix this by using hooking into resource strings (see code below).
Now TBooleanField.DisplayValues defaults to 'true;false' despite the localization.

As a result I can save records from DBAvdWebGrid without modifiying every TBooleanField.DisplayValues or DBAvdWebGrid.Columns.CheckTrue / False.

Problem solved, Great!

Best Regards,
Ronald Krause

unit uResourceModify;
// how to hook into resourcestrings, Credits to Peter Below
// see also


uses Data.DBConsts, WinApi.Windows;

  NewTrue: PChar = 'true';
  NewFalse: PChar = 'false';

  procedure HookResourceString(rs: PResStringRec; newStr: PChar);


procedure HookResourceString(rs: PResStringRec; newStr: PChar);
  oldprotect: DWORD;
  VirtualProtect(rs, SizeOf(rs^), PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, @oldProtect);
  rs^.Identifier := Integer(newStr);
  VirtualProtect(rs, SizeOf(rs^), oldProtect, @oldProtect);

  HookResourceString(@STextFalse, NewTrue);
  HookResourceString(@STextTrue, NewFalse);