TPlannerDBMaskDatePicker: Umodified leaving causes exception when dataset not in Edit/Insert-state

I presently encountered an issue with the PlannerDBMaskDatePicker again by accident:

It seems that the component in its internal DoExit performs its data-update regardless of whether it was modified or the state of the datasource it is connected to, which leads to very undesireable behavior:

You have a PlannerDBMaskDatePicker connected to a Datasource, which in turn is connected to a DataSet.
This DataSet is neither in an edit-state nor an insert-state. When you now simply select the date in the component and don't edit anything, every attempt to leave the component by selecting something else will result in an "dataset neither in edit or insert mode"-Exception.

I haven't looked deeply into it, but it seems, that there is no check on whether the component was modified or whether the dataset has the correct state and instead an attempt to write the data is performed regardless of either.

If necessary, I am happy to provide a little showcase-project, but the issue should be very easy to reproduce.

Thanks for reporting.
We could trace & solved this issue. The next update will address this.