I have an issue with the TPlannerDBMaskDatePicker-component which is a bit hard to explain, but I managed to reproduce it in an example project:
Test.zip (3.6 KB)
The project is very simple: There is an TPlannerDBMaskDatePicker connected to a Dataset.
To showcase the problem the component has got an OnExit, which writes the value of the connected datafield into the Edit below.
When you now enter an value like "01.12.2024" and leave the component, you will see in the Edit below, that the value of the datafield is now "29.12.1899", which is -1.
When you then enter "10.12.2024" and leave the component, the value changes to "01.12.2024", and so on.
For some reason the connected datafield always contains not the displayed value but the old value or -1 if it has been empty before.
I realized this was happening because one of my calculations that was done in such an OnExit event went completely wrong, because it was using -1 as date-value although the component was displaying something completely different.
I didn't look too closely into the component source code, but my guess is that there is a problem with the internal change.