Toggle Design/Code won't run

TMS Web core VS is sensible when organize code with our rules we can't switch Code to Design.

Maybe because we use sub folder to organize files and many comment to organize code ?

Why ?

Thank you.

Please, can you post a sample? I need to be able to reproduce the issue to figure out what is going on.


Hi Jose,
I've found the problem.
I had first created forms and after subfolders and move files in each of it and change the path access in dpr file, but they had still remains in first location (where created) in dproj (root of project). I've change to the correct path in dproj file with an text editor and now toggle code/design is comme back.
Maybe when we move a file it would be interesting to redo the .dproj



Great. Have you moved the files using Visual Studio Code or using the windows explorer?

I've use drag and drop with VS directly from ide.

I will review, the extension is taking into account removal and renaming of files to update the .dproj and .dpr files, but I'm not sure about moving them. Thanks!