TMSFNCHINT flickers when on TMSFNCPlanner in some cases

TMSFNCHINT flickers when on TMSFNCPlanner in some cases.

The hint appears and disappears immediatly.

We have this with Windows 10 Clients when the Scaling > 100%
In Windows 11 it functions OK (also with Scaling>100%).

when needed i can upload a movie of the effect.

Tried and compiled it with D10.10 & D11.1

If you want to use TTMSFNCHint, you need to set TMSFNCPlanner1.ItemsAppearance.AlternativeHints := False;

Yes, we have that.
If the DPI/Scale/Layout is untouched (100%) in Windows, then it works alright.
It was just that the application was used for a user who had set his scaling to 125% where it went wrong.
I't try create a minimal exanple to test.

Just tested it:
Empty FMX Application
TMSFNCHint component on form
TButton on form

Make a somehwat larger html hint put it to the hint property from the button

(Windows 10)
Run this on a 100% dpi scale, hint shows
Run this on a 125% dpi scale, hint shows and disappears immediatly

(Windows 11)
Run this on a 100% dpi scale, hint shows
Run this on a 125% dpi scale, hint shows and disappears immediatly

On a large screen (5120x1440, maybe otherscreens also) with the scale>125%
it blinks on the left side, and more to the right it stays but the Hint is not draw right

Normal screen

Screen 125% (form to right of screen)

Hinst are also drawn outside the border of the screen/monitor with FNCHint, so if you have a button on the rigght side of the form to the most right of monitor, the hint is only parttly visible
(with or without scaling)

We were able to reproduce the issue.
But it seems that this is an issue with the handling in Windows.
We will look into this to see if we can tackle the problem in our code.