TMS Office 2016 ribbon application

I tried the first time an new application with "TMS Forms / TMS Office 2016 ribbon application". I changed only the color und then I start the app.
Is this design correct?
- the title "File" is very small
- the buttons at top right are very strange
- after click on "File", the size is wrong

I have read that the FNC ribbon can not work with High DPI. Is this the same here?

Thank you

Do you use the latest version of the component? I could not reproduce a problem here on high DPI with the latest TMS Advanced ToolBars & Menus:

Do you use a high-DPI enabled Delphi version?

Hello Bruno,

Do you know if the vertical white line between the border and the bar on each side be fixed?

We can confirm the issue with the little vertical line was traced & solved. The next update will address this.